There are many reasons why individuals decide to seek out counselling support. You may see some of your own experiences in the following list:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Other psychological diagnoses
- Anger management
- Traumatic experiences
- History of trauma, abuse, and/or neglect, unavailable parents or caregivers
- Life transitions (divorce, diagnosis, empty-nest, blended families, new babies, career change)
- Concerns around aging
- Grief & loss
- Workplace stress, burnout, fatigue
- Parenting concerns
- Relationship conflict
Often there is a combination of reasons but the main thing is that sense that something needs to change.
Counselling offers a unique relationship and context where we can get a fuller understanding of ourselves, our important relationships and what changes may help us.
I offer counselling services in-person and virtually so you can decide what will work best for you.
Navigating the journey through the adolescent years can be really tough. School, peers, social media, family stress, identity development, and biology can easily overwhelm the system of a young person.
I rarely get a direct call from a teen looking for support. It is the parents and caregivers who reach out because they can sense that something isn’t right, even if their teenager hasn’t clearly communicated their distress to them.
I offer counselling services to adolescents (12+) as well as their parents or caregivers. These can often be in individual sessions depending on the youth’s preference. At other times, we may come together as a group.
I started my career as a social worker working with youth on probation and in custody. I then spent another decade as a youth & family counsellor at an alternative school. I have been a foster parent and raised my own two daughters so I have a strong attachment to helping teens navigate through challenges. I also know how incredibly scary and heartbreaking it is to see your child suffering. You don’t have to go through this alone.